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2015 Kryon Master's Journey Israel


This was the first time that the International Kryon team went on tour to one of the most holy and sacred places on Earth! To say that the experience was deeply profound is an understatement. From September 30 to October 6 an entourage of 300 people from over 30 countries with seven simultaneous language translations travelled all across Israel.

The touring teachers included Kryon (Lee Carroll), Alani’ee (Peggy Phoenix Dubro), Kahuna Kalei’iliahi, Adironda and Master Jeshua (Marilyn Harper), Alcazar (Prageet Harris), Quantum Astrologer and Shaman Michelle Karen, Deb DeLisi and Anders Holte.

For seven days we immersed ourselves with the sacred energies of the mountains, valleys, seas, ancient ruins, biblical and holy sites, and felt the presence of some of the Ascended Masters who actually lived and walked in the areas we visited. Lee Carroll has done a superb job of capturing this tour and created a 30 minute video. 

CLICK HERE to view this magnificent visual feast of our tour.

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