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The Women of Lemuria
ISBN – 978-2-89626-494-0
Now Available!
The Women of Lemuria:
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times
ISBN – 978-2-89626-494-0
ARIANE EDITIONS Publishing, Montreal Canada
Were you a woman in Lemuria? Is it even possible that a place called Lemuria existed? What about the missing continent of MU? What about Atlantis? What does being a Lemurian actually mean for you today? The answer to these questions and more is the purpose of this book. Australian author, Monika Muranyi, has compiled everything that Kryon has ever channelled about Ancient Lemuria, and the role of women in that mystical place. Since 1989, the loving messages of Kryon, as given by Lee Carroll (the original Kryon channel), have become known worldwide. The author presents material never before published, and has also posed over twenty new questions to Kryon. In addition, there is a special chapter from Dr. Amber (Mele’ha) Wolf, who is the creator and facilitator of the Lemurian Sisterhood. Thanks to Monika and Amber, we now have a greater understanding about our Divine Origins and how we can implement this ancient wisdom and knowledge in today’s modern world.
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$16.00 USD
The Gaia Effect
ISBN – 978-2-896261-132-1
The Gaia Effect:
The remarkable system of collaboration between Gaia and Humanity
ISBN – 978-2-896261-132-1
ARIANE EDITIONS Publishing, Montreal Canada
Have you ever wondered about Earth energies, ley lines, portals, sacred sites, hauntings and more? If so, than this is definitely the book for you. Australian author and naturalist, Monika Muranyi, has compiled everything that Kryon has ever channelled about Gaia! For over 23 years the loving messages of Kryon, as given by Lee Carroll (the original Kryon channel) have become known world-wide. This book represents an amazing job of research that covers many topics that have never before been published by Kryon. Monika’s personal experiences and insights weave together the Kryon teachings and wisdom to present a very unique picture of our origins and why we are here. In addition, she has posed over thirty new questions answered by Kryon. Thanks to her work we now have greater understandings about Earth energies and how these interface with humanity in this first time ever compilation of Kryon material.
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$16.00 USD
The Human Akash
ISBN – 978-2-896261-132-1
The Human Akash:
A discovery of the blueprint within
ISBN – 978-2-89626-173-4
ARIANE EDITIONS Publishing, Montreal Canada
Have you ever wondered where your personality comes from? What about your fears and phobias? What creates a child prodigy? Is it possible that you have lived before? The answer to these questions and more is the purpose of this book.
Monika Muranyi has compiled everything that Kryon has ever channelled about the Akash! For over twenty-four years the loving messages of Kryon, as given by Lee Carroll (the original Kryon channel) have become known world-wide. This book, second in the Kryon trilogy series, represents an amazing job of research that covers in detail the elusive information within your Akash and includes material never before published by Kryon. In addition, Monika has posed over thirty new questions answered by Kryon. Thanks to her work we now have a greater understanding about the Human Akash, where it is, what it contains and how it can be mined.
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$16.00 USD
The Human Soul Revealed
ISBN – 978-2-89626-173-4
The Human Soul Revealed:
A discovery of the blueprint within
ISBN – 978-2-89626-173-4
ARIANE EDITIONS Publishing, Montreal Canada
Have you ever wondered what happens when you die? Do we really have a Soul? If so, where is it and what is it doing? Are some Souls more advanced than others? The answers to these questions and more, are given in this book.
Monika’s books are driven by the Kryon messages as given by Lee Carroll, the original Kryon channel. Each of Monika's books focuses on a specific subject, where Monika carefully compiles all of the Kryon material that has been channelled regarding each respective topic. In addition, they feature new, never before published Kryon material as well as new questions that are answered by Kryon.
Monika has written a special Kryon trilogy series that represents the multi-dimensional energies of GAIA, the HUMAN AKASH, and the HUMAN SOUL that all work together to enhance the magnificent Human Being.
Lee Carroll - Monika Muranyi