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2015 The Healing Peace Choir Israel


This choir is not your traditional “choir” but instead it is beautiful blend of Pineal Tones (created by Dr. Todd Ovokaitys), sung with intent. The tones are wonderful to sing and hear and beyond that they carry a multidimensional energy that “speaks” to Gaia, humanity and the universe. This particular choir was sung within a triangle of nulls that have all been activated with corresponding nodes on the planet. The intention of the choir was to sing peace and healing into the very dirt of the earth. Can there be any nobler cause than this? Stay tuned because Peace on Earth is coming!

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

Elan Cohen

Elan Cohen

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

The Healing Peace Choir

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Anders Holte

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Anders Holte

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Anders Holte

Anders Holte

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Anders Holte

Anders Holte

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Lee Carroll

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Lee Carroll

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Lee Carroll

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Lee Carroll

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Lee Carroll

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys & Lee Carroll

Elan Cohen & Monika Muranyi

Elan Cohen & Monika Muranyi

Deborah DeLisi & Monika Muranyi

Deborah DeLisi & Monika Muranyi

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