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2015 Kryon Gaia Global Consciousness Retreat


Uluru, the red heart of Australia, is an incredibly sacred place. For over 40,000 years the Anangu have been (and continue to be) the guardians of this special place. Uluru is also one of the twelve major nodes on the planet. These nodes represent the original Pleiadian homes. Each node has a corresponding null and following the Creation Choir Kryon revealed that the matching null for Uluru was Mount Logan in Canada.

This particular retreat was beyond anything that we could have imagined. The essence of Uluru and all that she represents has been forever imbued into our hearts. Below are the photos that capture a small part of our profound, and deeply life-changing journey.

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Team with Anangu women

Kryon Team with Anangu women

Chris Hooper

Chris Hooper

Welcome to Country by Anangu Women

Welcome to Country by Anangu Women

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kahuna Kalei'ilaihi

Kahuna Kalei'ilaihi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Kryon channel

Kryon channel

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Jorge Bianchi

Jorge Bianchi

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Didgeridoo players

Didgeridoo players

Didgeridoo players

Didgeridoo players

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Lee's little angel helpers

Lee's little angel helpers

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Chris Hooper

Chris Hooper

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Kryon Gaia Retreat Uluru

Jorge Bianchi

Jorge Bianchi

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Kata Tjuta

Sunrise at Kata Tjuta

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Sunrise at Uluru

Sunrise at Uluru

Chris Hooper & Monika Muranyi

Chris Hooper & Monika Muranyi

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll



Guided walk at Uluru

Guided walk at Uluru

Guided walk at Uluru

Guided walk at Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Kryon channel Uluru

Kryon channel Uluru

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

Chris Hooper

Chris Hooper

Chris Hooper

Chris Hooper

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Kahuna Kalei'iliahi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Jorge Bianchi

Jorge Bianchi

Jorge Bianchi

Jorge Bianchi

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Indigenous dancers

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Dorothea Randall

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony

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