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2019 The Wisdom Choir


The Wisdom Choir was the ninth choir since the first choir sang in Maui, Hawaii in 2012. Choir conductors Anders Holte and Slyvan Farran lead Dr. Todd Ovokaitys' choir with the highlight being the beautiful singing of the Victory Song. This choir truly sang like angels and during the performance Kryon matched the node of Mt. Rila with the null of Victory Peak, Kyrgzstan.

Monika Muranyi & Lee Carroll

Monika Muranyi & Lee Carroll

Choir Team

Choir Team

Mary Kennedy & Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Mary Kennedy & Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Sylvan Farran & Anders Holte

Sylvan Farran & Anders Holte

Cacina Meadu & Anders Holte

Cacina Meadu & Anders Holte

Elan Cohen

Elan Cohen

Monika Muranyi & Rubi Hendricks

Monika Muranyi & Rubi Hendricks

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Elan Cohen

Elan Cohen

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

Monika Muranyi

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Anders & Sylvan

Anders & Sylvan

Anders Holte

Anders Holte

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Sylvan Farran

Sylvan Farran

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Anders Holte

Anders Holte

Sylvan, Todd & Anders

Sylvan, Todd & Anders

Sylvan Farran

Sylvan Farran

Sylvan Farran

Sylvan Farran

Anders Holte

Anders Holte

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Anders, Todd & Sylvan

Anders, Todd & Sylvan

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Cacina Meadu

Cacina Meadu

Sylvan, Todd & Anders

Sylvan, Todd & Anders

Lee & Todd

Lee & Todd

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

Ka Imi

Ka Imi

Ka Imi

Ka Imi

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

The Wisdom Choir

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